How to know I have the right size?
postcard "f you have an artwork, check the size using Adobe Acrobat's 'Check Document Property' feature; find more info here. If you do not have an Artwork file ready, feel free to use any one of the templates provided for the standard sizes. "Should I use inches or cm?
Our standard unit is inches; feel free to convert your artwork from different units.
How to choose your option?
For single-sided printing, choose if the second page is blank. Opt for double-sided printing if both sides have content, including the page with lines as artwork.What's more popular?
For a popular choice, opt for printing on both sides, to print lines to provide a written area. Unsure? Refer to our backside printing sample artwork.
Wondering how to choose the right material for your design?
We offer all materials within the Ivory texture gallery. For a more budget friendly option, you can opt for our 250gsm Ivory Card while retaining the feel of the Ivory texture. However, for a more premium feel, the slightly more rigid 300gsm Ivory Card is a popular option as well.
Why rounded corner?
Choose rounded corner for a more specialised look compared to the standard card shape. Able to communicate certain amount of effort put into your item to create a good impression for your brand.Choose a Quantity & Delivery Date